This is my Memory-Dump

I am Greg Raley-Barrett, also known as William or Greg Man.

Why are you doing this?

I am now at the age where memory is beginning to get a little fuzzy and I feel the urge for retrospection. I have lived a very dynamic life and I am going to attempt to organize these memories and personal events. Wish me luck!

What is your plan?

I hope to organize my memories and recollections in a timeline based format. Each blog entry will be sorted by date. As I recall information, I will place it in the timeline.

Why is it so disorganized?

I don’t have a plan. I am just providing a framework to drop in memories. These may be in the form of random words and phrases, snippets of recollections, or snapshots of facts. The fun will be in seeing what I can draw out of the chaos.

Is this all true?

To the best of my recollection it is. There may be some inaccuracies or contradictions. But over time I hope these will resolve themselves or with the help of my friends, become clarified and fact-checked.

What do you plan to do with this information?

There are a number of possibilities. These memories could lead to further development in story or memoir form. It could provide further insight into why I am so odd. Or it could provide a laugh.

Can I contribute anything?

Absolutely! Feel free to reach out and ask questions, provide feedback, or submit suggestions.

Do you require further clarification?

Is there something I should add to the timeline?
Is there a correction that I should make?